Interview with the #1 Team in California Suneet Agarwal
A conversation with the #1 Team In California Here’s just some of what Suneet shared - Don’t hire when your employees are overwhelmed, always be hiring where you are going. - As the leader, OWN The Marketing - You don’t have to spend...
Triple Your Agent population with the Sales Manager Rockstar
Sunday Morning Interview Jam Session with the Sales Manager Rockstar of The Golfi Team So much goodness in this one: ✅ How did they go from $425,000,000 to $850,000,000 her second year in the role and go from 23 agents to 70 ✅ The...
Operating a 20% Market Share Team with Nick Mclean
Study the client acquisition process relentlessly. ✅ Hire people for Aptitude, Attitude, and Appetite. Hire people who think on their own, not people who need to be TOLD what to do. ✅ People committed to a schedule are less likely to make...